Monday, April 25, 2011

Law Of Mother Earth

There are great strides being made in countries all over the world. Pioneers of light are working hard toward the betterment of Earth and humanity, people helping to bring about the golden age, people in power, you wont usually hear about any of this in the news though, they '(The MSM)' don't want you to have your spirits lifted and your vibrations raised, but!, thankfully there is the internet and alternative news sources, and thanks to the alternative news sources, I bring you news of the great efforts of the Bolivian government who are set to pass the first ever:

Law Of Mother Earth
The country, which has been pilloried by the US and Britain in the UN climate talks for demanding steep carbon emission cuts, will establish 11 new rights for nature. They include:

  • the right to life and to exist
  • the right to continue vital cycles and processes free from human alteration
  • the right to pure water and clean air
  • the right to balance
  • the right not to be polluted
  • the right to not have cellular structure modified or genetically altered.

To all those "Conspiracy theorists" who claim that ALL world governments are corrupted and in cahoots with the self serving Illuminati, maybe you should stop seeing things in black and white and actually step out from the fear porn and pay attention, the new paradigm will be here before you know it, it can't rain all the time ;) The self serving elitists had their time now it's time for the light to shine and it is, things are going to get much better not worse, they have been getting worse for more then 200yrs, and finally, our world is moving up and out of the ages of darkness, though I don't expect everyone to see what I see. For those that do, you know what I am talking about.


1 comment:

  1. it's the money, the bottom line. Governments need to change, they need to stand independant of global corporations. A country like Bolivia [sigh, this is wonderful news!] has set a standard, it is up to the people to convince their governments that this is the way to go...
