Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Star Ship Bethlehem & Ancient Biblical, Historical, Extraterrestrial Connections

"Pillar of fire"
Since I was a little girl one of the stories that I held near and dear in the bible was the story of the star of Bethlehem. Now mind you I do not agree with much of what the bible says. I am not religious. However there are some stories that I like. Among these stories is the birth of Jesus, the story of Ezekiel's wheel and the story about Jesus being taken up by a "cloud" (UFO) in to heaven (Space): Acts 1:6-11 - After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a "cloud" hid him from their sight.

Many Christians might argue this but truth is truth. Logically no one can be taken in to a cloud. When your on a plane and it takes off and gets higher it goes past the clouds. The clouds are not able to hold it. But a UFO will. There have been several interesting theories by people who believe some ships can cloak themselves as clouds or in clouds. This might explain the theory of Jesus being taken up in to heaven and hidden by the clouds.

Back on topic the star of Bethlehem has always intrigued me for whatever reason. Was it a UFO? a star? a planet? will it ever return? Evidence from the descriptions given in the bible tells us that it was a UFO and that it will return:

"Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the King, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem.  Saying 'where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship him?'  Then Herod, when he had privately called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.  When they had heard the King, they departed, and lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, 'till it came and stood over where the young child was'" -(Matthew Two; Verses 1,2,7,9 respectively).

Some argue that the "star" (UFO) of Bethlehem is a planet. However if you look at an excerpt from Christopher Montgomery's work you will see logically that is not possible:

Some say that the star of Bethlehem, also called Bethlehem, was an astronomical event. That is an exploding sun, a comet, one or more of our neighboring planets, or a meteorite. Using two maps, one a world atlas the other a map of old Palestine at the time of Jesus, the distance from Jerusalem to Bethlehem is 6 miles. Bethlehem is predominantly south of Jerusalem. If it takes 30 minutes to walk a mile, they would have made the journey from Jerusalem after talking to the king to Bethlehem in approximately 3 to 4 hours. The stars and other astronomical objects move across the sky from the east to the west, the stars do not travel from north to south. Furthermore the stars at 32 degrees north latitude move at a rate of 885 miles per hour or 15 miles per minute ground speed. When you look up at a real star, you can only approximately know within 10 miles where it is at. You cannot without instruments know what town it is over, much less which building it is over. This star guided them south, at  walking speed, then it stopped. It was close enough to the ground for the wise men to pick, on the first try, the exact house that they were being directed to, the house where Jesus was at. (# MAT 2:11). People from most of the nations today have described UFOs or flying saucers as star like objects that can accelerate fast and can make ninety degree turns while traveling faster than our fastest planes.

If you look at who was powering this celestial object at the time of the birth of our beloved ascended master Jesus you will see that Angels and Extraterrestrials are one in the same:

LUK 2:9 - And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

LUK 2:10 -And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

LUK 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

This explains the first three examples above that are in connection with the birth of Jesus and the star of Bethlehem: EZE 10:4 - Then the glory of the LORD went up from the cherub, and stood over the threshold of the house; (Door) and the house was filled with the cloud, (The Beam of Light made the house bright inside) and the court was full of the brightness of the LORD'S glory. (Beam of Light made the Outside Bright)
"Beam Of Light"

Some say the "star" (UFO) of Bethlehem will soon return and that it can be proven to already be here. So many others have shot video of a star that is visible from 4Am Eastern time to 7:00AM or there about every morning. So I shot a video myself. Interesting outcome because I have been watching this star for months get bigger or closer. Now I am not saying it is def a ship and not at all saying it is Nibiru. However it seems to be something clearly unnatural to our normal system. If it is indeed our precious Venus then the early signs of the galactic alignment (Planets appearing bigger because of being closer due to the alignment) are becoming plainly obvious.

Some argue that the reason this planet/star is so big and bright at the moment is because Venus is at her closest approach and has reached her peak in brightness. That maybe so but why is it just NOW being so bright? I am only a mere 29yrs old however I and other much older persons agree that in our life times we have never ever seen something with such brilliance. Did Venus just now decide to have a normal orbit where she comes close to our planet gets so bright everyone notices and then vanishes in to a small heavenly body? Correct me if I am wrong but I have been an avid star gazer all my life and Venus or any other planet in our solar system have never taken this behavior. This thing whatever it is, has become so big it nearly sets the sky ablaze.

And before anyone jumps on the Maitreya wagon. No I do not agree with this prophecy. I trust Maitreya and Benjamin creme as far as I can throw them. Sorry but when I feel something is not right I will say it. And this whole world teacher Maitreya stuff does NOT feel right. They claim that this star is the star of Maitreya prophesied to announce the return of the world teacher. Horseshit! If this is indeed a UFO as I believe it to be so. It wont be to signal the return of this self proclaimed world teacher.

If this UFO is indeed announcing the return of Jesus or Christ consciousness as I suspect. It wont need to be declared or announced. Jesus wont need to have scouts on the internet spamming forums with the Maitreya information, begging for attention or recognition or followers. Jesus will not want or require that type of attention. Don't ask me how I know, call it gut instinct ;). I picture Jesus coming on the scene as someone doing great change and no one will ever know who he was until he leaves or until the world changes for the better. Either way. We don't need someone to come and change the world for us anyway. We are the ones we have been waiting for! however some help from Mr. J would be phenomenal :D.

Interestingly enough this "star" can be proven to be a UFO by the reports of the Dogon tribe of west Africa as well whom had a similar encounter. The Dogon are famous for their astronomical knowledge taught through oral tradition, dating back thousands of years, referencing the star system, Sirius linked with the Egyptian goddess Isis. The astronomical information known by the Dogon was not discovered and verified until the 19th and 20th centuries, making one wonder how the Dogon came by this knowledge. Their oral traditions say it was given to them by the Nommo. The source of their information may date back to the time of the ancient Egyptian priests.

The Nommos, according to the Dogon legend, lived on a planet that orbits another star in the Sirius system. They landed on Earth in an “ark” that made a spinning decent to the ground with great noise and wind. It was the Nommos that gave the Dogon the knowledge about Sirius B.

It is said that The Nommos descended from the sky in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder. After arriving, the Nommos created a reservoir of water and subsequently dove into the water. The Dogon legends state that the Nommos required a watery environment in which to live. According to the myth related to Griaule and Dieterlen: "The Nommo divided his body among men to feed them; that is why it is also said that as the universe "had drunk of his body," the Nommo also made men drink. He gave all his life principles to human beings." The Nommo was crucified on a tree, but was resurrected and returned to his home world. Dogon legend has it that he will return in the future to revisit the Earth in a human form.

The Dogon tell the legend of the Nommos (Sirians), humanoid fish looking beings who arrived in a vessel along with fire and thunder. The Nommos, who could live on land but dwelled mostly in the sea, were part fish, like merfolk (mermaids and mermen). Similar creatures have been noted in other ancient civilizations -- Babylonia’s Oannes, Acadia’s Ea, Sumer’s Enki, and Egypt’s goddess Isis. It was from the Nommos that the Dogon claimed their knowledge of the heavens. OK the accounts are not exactly similar however I like the account of the crucifixion and death and resurrection. This same thing happened to Jesus allegedly.

The Nommo was crucified on a tree, but was resurrected and returned to his home world. Dogon legend has it that he will return in the future to revisit the Earth in a human form.

Now here is where the account of the Dogon tribe mix with the "star" (UFO) of Bethlehem and may point to whom the occupants of the Bethlehem UFO may be: It is said by the Dogon tribe of West Africa that the Nommos (The Sirians) will return in the future and will be seen as a great star in the sky. This is when we will know that the Nommos are returning. The Star will be seen as a blue star (Much like the prophecy told by the Hopi and much like the prophecy of the return of Jesus). In the bible it states that there will be great signs in the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. The actual definition for the word star here is the Greek word (aster) which means; a star or great light strewn over the sky. As in perhaps a great star will appear to signal the return of this consciousness to earth. Furthermore there is one last verse I would like to point out: Mark 13:26 "Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory." This is as I said above:

Many Christians might argue this but truth is truth. Logically no one can be taken in to a cloud. When your on a plane and it takes off and gets higher it goes past the clouds. The clouds are not able to hold it. But a UFO will. There have been several interesting theories by people who believe some ships can cloak themselves as clouds or in clouds. This might explain the theory of Jesus being taken up in to heaven and hidden by the clouds.
Now why would they add power and great glory to the mix? Of course it might mean Jesus will return even more powerful and glorious then before however Jesus from what I have red in the bible is one of great humility. Therefor that leaves the "clouds". The clouds will be powerful and glorious. Now what kind of clouds might be so powerful and glorious? I can only think of something akin to starships/UFOs. It also states in .....Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen. What would cause these "clouds" to be visible at the same time, in the same way worldwide? In September (2000), one of the speakers, Ret. Command Sergeant Major, Robert O Dean, showed slides of UFOs forming clouds to disguise themselves inside them. Amazingly enough, the trail underneath is a part of the process. He showed slide after slide, where people had caught the entire process in photographs and on video. He also showed the most famous photograph, the one over Mt. Shasta. It has been made into a poster/print.

In conclusion while we can expect to have a shiny "cloud" surrounded by light return to earth and engage us in first contact. The reader must make up their own mind. And remember that nothing is set in stone. As creators of our own reality, the future is written by us and us alone. Nothing nor no one can create it for us. That is the purpose of free will.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this article.
    As to the nature of UFO's, to give some more ideas, in biblical and physics terms, the clouds can be likened to e.g. orb clusters, galaxies and other things.
    There are accounts that modern man will not see the in-density of the supernatural because of its surreal quality, yet those who have eyes to see actually do see (children, open-spirited adults etc.). There have always been those who were able to see, but these days it's getting a wider spread phenomenon, which can be said to do with the Earth container frequency quality of our time and age, in which the understanding of electromagnetical phenomena is on the rise.
    It seems that the more people in general will open up to the unfolding of their own innate understanding, the more of these "clouds" will be seen...
