Saturday, December 18, 2010

What Starseeds And Lightworkers Should Know About Psychic/Emotional Vampires

Words as some of you may know can transfer negative energy. When you say something to the effect of: No your wrong! Your negative, your mean etc, you are being the same exact way! But I do understand that some people may not be at that level of understanding yet. Furthermore there are people out there who could give a rats ass about light work and only use the guise to come on to break it down. Usually these individuals are known as Emotional vampires.

One of the ones I have encountered recently is the type 3:
These people obsessively try to control you and dictate what you're supposed to be and feel. They have an opinion about everything. They'll control you by invalidating your emotions if they don't fit into their rulebook. They often start sentences with “You know what you need?” and then proceed to tell you. You end up feeling dominated, demeaned, or put down.

And also a type 4:
Splitters see things as either good or bad and have love/hate relationships. One minute they idealize you, the next you're the enemy if you upset them. They have a sixth sense for knowing how to pit people against each other and will retaliate if they feel you have wronged them. They are people who are fundamentally damaged—inwardly they feel as if they don't exist and become alive when they get angry. They'll keep you on an emotional roller coaster and you may walk on eggshells to avoid their anger.

Why would these types of people become interested in starseed/lightworker communities? Oh that's simple! Starseeds and Lightworkers are eager to give, give, give. We want to change the world, we want peace, love, joy and happiness etc. We naturally want to do whatever we can to bring love energy to those we encounter. This drive to heal others provides a perfect feeding ground for psychic/emotional vampires. Often times were not aware of it until it's to late and we have already been drained of our vital force.

That's individually speaking. A starseed/ligthtworker network setting however would be paradise for these individuals. And like stated above they would attack in mass. Creating disharmony among the members, using false activations to get the starseeds/lightworkers to feed them all at once instantly and acting in manners stated above in type 3 and 4. These individuals are masters of Charm. Often their true intentions don't become known until you start to recognize that something is wrong and confront them or remove them from your life which is there source of food (energy).

I have found the best way to deal with these individuals is to stop interacting with them. I have tried many other methods but the best method personally is to realize the importance of my energy and stop feeding the individuals by not interacting with them until they realize what they are doing, if they ever do. Obviously to try to heal them is what they want, which is why they target lightworker/starseed sites and people as stated above.Even worse is that when they feed from your energy after a period of time eventually you will need to do the same because your vital life force is running low.

Naturally our desire is to try to help them. But how can you help someone who does not want to be helped? Of course everyone really does at the core want help.Because everyone in one form or another who act in this manner are only reflecting the emptiness they feel within. That in and of itself is a call for help. You can let the person know what is going on but often times that serves as another reason to blow up the situation and feed them yet again. Until today I never knew why alleged starseeds/lightworkers would intentionally spread negativity. It seems clear now.

These individuals are not bad or "evil" they just lack something in their life or spiritual body that causes them to act in this manner. They also often like to play on your weakness, your fears and your passions. Finding ways to create a negativity around them. For example you have a weakness for say working out. They may something to the effect of your not doing it right or you will never get it right etc. The same with fears but in this case they may amp it up. Constantly bring up objects of your fears. With your passions they may focus on creating disharmony when it comes to it. For example. Your passion is being a member of the golf club. They may continually cause drama when attending with you.

On a positive note we have all experienced these kinds of people at one point or another. And were still here! So it's not the end of the world but it can cause disharmony among starseeds and ligthworkers which in turn disrupts our missions. In the end all we can do is remove them from our lives and wish them love and light and move on. We can maintain the intent to heal them from a distance while we heal the world.


  1. perfectly put... it is so important to reach a level of detachment in this, that place where one is not bothered by the machinations of others, where one doesnt feel that vague and uneasy pin prick from those manipulative ones. I think in part they are not aware of what they do, all they know is that it works... but all I can say of this, is once they are on their own journey, they will get to understand this facet of themselves, it will probably not be easy for them, but be patient, they will get there...

  2. So true DT. I don't think they are bad either. In fact I feel bad for them. I hope they can get help, that is what I feel really. A lot of progress is being made in many ways, in small strides. Which will add up in the end :)

  3. The evil ones will use your cell phone to monitor your thoughtforms. When progress is being made we are interrupted. Their agenda is to confuse, stall, interrupt, usurp, and/or invert your consciousness. They will call your house if you have a land line. The next time you get a call from a telemarketer, the first opportunity they give you to speak, no matter how endearing the charity may seem, simply reply :
    I bind you in the name of Yahshua ha mashiah.*
    I bid thee license to depart and harm none along the way. Go now in the name of peace.
    Shalom haShem Yahshua! *
    Those are celestial words of power that heaven is provided. I do not encourage christianity.
    I let the power of a demonstration of christ's name speak for itself.
    If you end a prayer with the phrase
    "world without end!" *
    it communicates divine action and reason to the realms of celestial heaven.
    Us Starseeds must now that we are angels in disguise, may the spirit of truth bring all god's children to Yshatar's realm of Glory that they may know the will of the lord.
    I charge all who look upon this with the flaming sword of Truth, that they may know their authority!
    Michael Michael Michael
    Strong and Immortal Fire!
    World without End!
    Make it so!

    (P.S. I was interrupted 6 times while typing this.)

  4. Wow those are very beautiful and powerful words. Thank you so much!

  5. Beloved One,
    Thank you for the cell phone confirmation. I recently had a very evil one come my way, charming and quite smooth with the words of light, but did not know how to pray? Also, he could see the grid system that was placed around my house. I later learned that my phone was used as a tracking device as well. Until I used my power and authority that our Lord has given us, I endured phenomenal psychic attacks(almost like vise scripts on my head) Spirit would wake me in the evenings so that my consciousness would be totally alert. I was told by spirit that this person was not of the highest order and that he was actually a fallen archon. I have learned a valuable lesson in listening to my guidance and those things that our spirits tell us that seem next to impossible - ARE POSSIBLE. Keep your precious souls and light bodies safe...Ayeh Asher Ayeh...In love brothers and sisters...


  6. They definatly are attention grabbers, they may try a few things to push your buttons to get you to engage if you try to avoid them at first but will eventually move on.

    I did a blog about protective crystals and gemstones which many people have told me they found helpful for this type of thing. Works for me :)
