Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Time With God Proves There Is Nothing To Fear

There are many different concepts or should we say aspects of God. God is known in different ways by different people around the world. To some God is Buddha, Krishna, Creator, Satan and even Jesus. Even skeptics have a 'God', Their concept of God or what sparked all of creation is an accident, a series of random events which initiated the big bang therefor leading to evolution on earth from bacteria. They may not believe in God per say but they still believe that something sparked the series of random events that lead to the big bang. Whatever this spark was it is what initially created everything. It is God. There are also ongoing debates as to the gender and nature of God. Is God male? Is God female? Is God both? Is God a vengeful God? Is God all loving? It is these very debates that sent me spiraling in to an endless search to discover the true nature of God. I went on a quest to discover whether God existed outside of myself or separate from me. I studied many versions of God through the teachings of world cultures and ancient texts.

Nothing satisfied my quest for understanding God. I studied the christian teachings, Veda, Buddhist, pagan, satanism, Sumerian, Egyptian and so on. All of these teachings in their own way provide a platform for self discovery but discovering the God within seemed more like a personal journey. I felt as if it was something that I had to unlock within myself in order to ever understand anything outside of myself. I have spent years perfecting my meditating skills, quieting the mind and spending time with the aspect of God I know to be closest to and have direct access to, Mother Earth.  In sensing my connection to mother Earth I began to recognize the feeling of being connected to a lot more then SELF.

But there were still so many concepts of God and the nature of God that it left me with more questions than answers most time. Yes I understood the importance of going within but what about all the theories and ideologies of God. What about all the disaster happening on earth? Does this tie in with God? As a starseed and during my many years as a paranormal investigator and growing up with the ability to see and speak with all sorts of beings beyond the veil I have come to recognize certain things. There are many common things that it seems no matter how awakened an individual is remain part of their thought process. These things both inhibit the human mind and the process of self discovery which in turn also halts the individuals mission on earth or life path. Usually most people almost from the time of birth are subjected to fear based thought patterns. Like breathing it becomes part of their consent projections of the world around them.

But what if there never was any such thing as fear, God(s), space, planets, angels etc? What if? What would be left if all of the human created concepts were never invented? how would one define that feeling within of complete and utter blissful connection to something beyond ourselves yet existing within? how would we describe such a connection, such a feeling of intensity? Better yet how would we define ourselves? if we had no idea about the soul, death, God, birth, space, time etc how would we explain the concept of the self? How do you describe pure energy with out needing to attach some form to it? Is there really a need to attach a form to energy to describe it? perhaps so. It may be God (source) who has attached these forms to itself in order to not only be understood but to understand itself. God is infinite consciousness but this consciousness seems to need form to interact and through us God is. In the image of God we were created.

We were created in the image of God because God this infinite loving consciousness needs a form, an image in order to interact with environments of a lower density, in order to understand why it is. In order out of love to give life. Because God is pure consciousness and pure love, this energies only desire is to continue expanding and creating in order to experience even greater aspects and expansions of love. Think about it! If you had this infinite, unconditional love that burned so powerfully that you had to expel some of it, what would you do? think about it through the eyes of a human. When man marries and has a family, usually after sometime the man and wife's love is so great that their only desire is to expand this love through the creation of a child. Through this child their love is expanded and released and in essence given life, it's own life. This love then becomes it's own consciousness creating, giving and experiencing love independently. This is in my opinion the purpose of all life and the nature of God. To continue to create carbon copies of the energy of love, love for ourselves and all of creation. In this way we can then understand ourselves further and so can God. It is the need to understand the overpowering need to expand love.

In October 2010 I had an experience that woke me from my slumber in tears. I cried so hard upon awakening that I almost chocked. I was in space but I was not soul it was like soul is a form of energy for a more denser reality. A lower density, In space or in the space that seemed to be existing independent yet connected to our own. This space seemed to be part of a large network which was source, pure conscious energy. I merged back with this source this infinite consciousness in this experience that only lasted seconds it seems. How can I explain this, it was as if I was just pure energy. I was planets, I was stars I was unlimited, infinite consciousness. I cant explain it but everything was vibrating and I woke up crying. There was no fear, no pain, no judgment, nothing just BEING at all times, in all ways, at all moments. This fact helped me understand that this source was existing within our thoughts, our actions, our energy all at once yet existing independently through the space of itself. We were extension of God and therefor everything was simply illusionary actions of an expanded awareness seeking to understand it's own consciousness.

There can be no wrong, no right, no evil etc in the end all that exist is this energy. I felt like a kid I remember as energy I was moving around and through over and about planets and space. After that I have 0 fear of anything and don't judge myself at all because no matter what we do that pure unconditional love is there because it can not, we can not exist separate from our own energy source. It was in this moment that I finally realized the truth of everything, the truth of God, of soul, of spirit, of Beingness. There is no need to engage in silly lower dimensional behavior in an attempt to reach that part of ourselves which many believe exist beyond the self. I wont lie. It exist with us and separate from us however it is us. This energy source is what powers each and every soul everywhere, this energy exist beyond time and space.There is no past, present or future. There is only serenity. Needing to exist just to feel the bliss that comes from loves energy.

This is the only purpose that is important. Understanding that we don't need to worry about what we eat, drink, watch or think. Our only purpose is to merge back with this source, to remember our divinity, our stillness. Those of us who remember are here to show this to those who don't. It really is that simple. When God rings your ear, will you listen? will you remember that your only purpose is to remember the sea of peace (Space) from which you came? will you remember what's like to exist purely to just to love? can you imagine such an existence? being nothing but pure energy drifting through space expanding the energy of love in the form of man, stars, planets comets and even asteroids? Here is food for thought! What if it was a comet or asteroid that held the seeds of life? What if God chose like the description above to release the desire to love through an asteroid which seeded life on earth? To me that would prove the theory that we were created in the image (one of many forms that God needs to interact) of God In order out of love to give life.


  1. Bingo!... and there is more... so much more...
    be well on your journey, focus on your journey Ysh, even when it seems that there are many distractions, that you are being pulled this way and that...this is indeed the journey of a lifetime, and I always thought that nothing can be more important than this...
    sigh...lovely stuff..

  2. I just loved this post sissa. I am so glad you wrote about your experience as we have to remind ourselves that we are here to learn yes, and to experience so much, even at the energetic level there are so many shapes and colors...

    but we can't forget what Source Is. That infinite ocean of pure love and consciousness, our common origin.

    Much love

  3. Yshatar it does my heart good to feel this message. When we get down, it is such a relief to know we do have the belief in knowing that all will work itself out. We just need to keep telling ourselves this. I love you sister for reminding us of this. It needs to be told from time to time to keep it in our everyday thoughts. Thats why I enjoy dropping 'love bombs' on your chat. To see something that uplifts our spirits just a little thru the day. Its my way of saying I love you all. Namaste, ~Dale~

  4. Lovely to read your thoughts! I've been on my own path for a while now and have a little blog / spiritual notebook of my journey and I'm now looking out thru cyberspace to find others who are walking their own paths, and sharing their journeys. Many of my core beliefs are the same as yours, and some others are different... and both of us are right, in our own truths... and that's great. I'll keep checking in on your posts, and looking for other spiritual trailblazers! and lets all do our bit to feed positive, non-dogmatic, open spirituality into our collective NOW! what a time to be here!

  5. not sure if my main comment got thru, or if i sent it 3 times... i'm a bit of a newbie to social media! hopefully it got thru. :-)
