Saturday, December 25, 2010

Santa's little helper (Archangel Michael)

If there is no one beyond the physical realm who loves and cares for us then I am severely delusional! Last night well morning rather at about 2:00 AM I was so tired because I put so much energy in to the shows last night that by the time I was done and I hung up after talking with my co-host all I wanted to do is ground and watch stupid shit on TV. I was just so hungry though so I put food in the oven and laid down to watch TV.

I ended up falling asleep but was violently wakened up by a strong violent push it was so strong I nearly fell off the sofa. The house was all smokey and stuff. so I hurried and turned off the oven. I then saw Michael in my minds eye and I was so grateful I must of thanked him a million times. And to put the cherry on top I watched my cat jump off the sofa and was staring at something above him near the ceiling. I watched my cat follow something (which I know was Michael) till Mickey faded. And still after all that I remembered one of the most important details just now! After it was over and done with a commercial came on TV and said: You are loved.

I could feel other star beings there to though like they were afraid to leave me by myself after Michael left. I was like OK come on guys I'm not 12! My oven was super hot and smokey and the food was sparking it was crazy but proves that we are not alone and we do have beings in the other (Ether) realms who do love and care for us, who do protect us.

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