Friday, December 31, 2010

Project Lights Out: Anti - Starseed Operation

The news about starseed arrival on earth is not new, And neither is the operation to prevent it. Project Lights Out is an operation funded by the the highest level of governance on our planet. Also known as the Aristocrats or the 13 bloodlines such as the (Bilderberg, Rothschild, Rockefeller etc). From the information I have been given/gathered, It seems project Lights Out is an operation dedicated solely to preventing the starseed arrival on earth. (obviously with not much success).

However it is more then likely that some starseeds have indeed been kept dormant and or eliminated all together. But for the most part Starseeds/Lightworkers prove to be to powerful energetically speaking and are not only protected but strengthened even more. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! But as I said before this is certainly nothing new. The Buddha also was attacked in his quest to not only bring enlightenment to himself but also to the world:

That thought went from his mind and it penetrated the mind of Mārā, the chief of the spirits of evil. Hastily Mārā got together his forces: Gotama must not be allowed to stay under the Tree of Knowledge, he told his followers. With the speed of the whirlwind, with his band Mārā went to the place. But with composure, with the assurance of victory in his heart, with majesty, Gotama went towards the tree. He took his place where the Blessed Ones who had attained to Enlightenment had taken theirs; he seated himself on the eastern side of the Tree of Knowledge.

The earth heaved six times, and the birds and beasts that had come with Gotama were affrighted and fled away. But the friendly spirits remained near him. Then Mārā, the chief of the evil spirits, taking on himself the appearance of a messenger from his father's country, went to where Gotama sat. Breathlessly he said to him, "Even while you sit here your evil-hearted cousin has taken possession of your father's kingdom, and is cruelly and rapaciously treating all the people whom you should protect. Go, go from this place. Destroy the tyrant, and give peace to your country!" But the words of Mārā, cunning though they were, had no effect:
Gotama remained unmoved. He reflected that if his cousin were acting in such way it was because of a malice that possessed him, and if the nobles of the land permitted him to act unjustly it was because they were weak and cowardly. And then he thought upon weakness, malice, and cowardice, and he resolved to raise himself above them by destroying in himself the centre out of which they come; namely, desire that fixes itself upon things of this world. He resolved, too, to show others how to destroy that desire in themselves. So he remained unmoved. The spirit of the tree cast perfumes upon him, and prayed him through its leaves to continue his mighty efforts towards Enlightenment.
According to the life of Buddha before his enlightenment Mara came and asked the the Earth Goddess Buddha what right he had to attain enlightenment in his life and bring people out of their ignorance. The Buddha replied that in his past lives he had accumulated enough merit to attain enlightenment in this life.

The Buddha then changed his attitude from meditation to that of subduing Mara by placing his right hand on his right knee calling the Earth Goddess from the ground who drowned the whole Mara Army by wringing out her hair. The Buddha then continued out his meditation until he arrived Supreme Enlightenment.

Jesus was also obviously attacked in an attempt to silence his him and put out his light:

When [the Magi] had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. Get up, he said, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him. So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son." When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."

Martin Luther King died for promoting the equality of all human beings irrespective of race. Mahatma Gandhi died because, as a Hindu, he was friendly with Muslims. Bishop Oscar Romero died because he denounced the exploitation of the poor. Dietrich Bonhoeffer died because he attacked the racist evils of Nazism.

Also Jesus made a memorable sad comment on his townspeople.

"A prophet is only despised in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house." While people in other places greeted Jesus with enthusiasm and hung on his words, his own townspeople, his own family wrote him off, treated him with cynicism. Traditionally, prophets both in the Hebrew Testament and in the long history of Christianity have met with resistance, hostility and even violent deaths.

We have a perfect example in the prophet Ezekiel, who speaks to us in the First Reading. He has been called to proclaim God's message to his people. God does not promise him an easy time.

"I am sending you to the Israelites, to the rebels who have turned against me… Whether they listen or not, this set of rebels shall know there is a prophet among them."

The above is only literally the tip of the ice burgh in the fight to end starseed lights from reaching the earth. But we have always succeeded in shining our lights, in speaking our truth and in completing our missions. Project lights out comes in many versions. Not just in the physical deaths of our star family.

The different levels of Project Lights Out:
  • Level 1: Like the king of Herod - the attempted assassination of the starseed children via Astral attacks.
  • Level 2: Mental Attacks - Attempted mind control
  • Level 3: Night Terrors - MILABS
  • Level 4: The "Plant" program - Certain people are "planted" in the lives of a star kid or starseed adult in an attempt to break down their emotional, physical and mental barriers.

Level One: This level happens the most frequently. Level one consists of a team of astral attackers or what is commonly known as "Psychic Spies". Their whole job not unlike MIBs is to silence and or prevent the threat of extraterrestrial visitors to earth but in this case instead of it being star visitors in UFOs its starseeds attempting to enter earth through the soul implant of a fetus. This hardly ever succeeds because starseeds are not only very well protected but also very spiritually powerful. Then they merge with stage 2.

Stage 1 & 2 involves attacking the child in the astral. This usually starts between the age of 8 and 14 years of age and is on-going until the starseed awakens or unconsciously chooses no to. You can recognize stage two by recognizing what is happening to a child or to yourself:

  • On going screaming and or inability to sleep through the night or fear of sleeping.
  • Severe nightmares in which the child reports seeing government agents or military personnel.
  • The child reports being shot by said military personnel/government agents or attacked in some other form.
  • Reports of demon-like or monstrous beings trying to rip the 'soul (Light)' from the child.

Level two comes after the failed attempt of level 1. This is rarely used but can prove to be useful if the child is already in a weakened state; The child often reports seeing certain things that they are afraid of more frequently. Example:

If a child is afraid of clowns they may believe they are seeing them more often even though no clowns are anywhere in the area. This also involves the use of psychic spies.

Level three involves a more serious approach if level 1 and 2 have failed. Level three involves a series of military abductions made to seem as if they were conducted by star visitors (ETs). This may play out in the form of an actual abduction in which the child or teen is taken forcefully aboard a reverse engineered craft, given hallucinogens and exposed to a series of painful tortures experiments.

This is so that the starseed child/adult will have an embedded fear of ETs which in turn clouds their own true nature and in turn preventing an awakening. Or in the form of Night Terrors: Night terrors are often reported as being a very fearful event in which a person wakes up to a feeling or a sense of terror. They often report feeling as if there are other beings in the room with them.

They also report not being able to breath, or move. Sometimes these victims report seeing ETs, demons, or some other form of scary being sitting on top of them or preventing them from moving. This is the unfortunate effect of a side operation in which very specially trained psy ops attempt to literally pull the astral body from within. Night terrors are often common.They are the result most often of an incorrect astral attempt. If you try to astral knowingly or unknowingly and enter the body to fast or two slow, it is quite common to experience being awake in both realms (The astral and the physical). However repeated Night terrors especially if combined with a MILAB experience is a definite sign of a level 3 attack.

Level four is the most extreme but thankfully one of the more rare levels. In this level usually after the child reaches teen age years to about the age of 18 and sometimes even in the twenties a plant is placed in the life of the child. This however is not limited to age. It can come at any age and be a friend, a romantic partner, and even a step parent. Often times the child or teen (on occasion - adult) suffer physical, mental or emotional abuse. While this is sometimes unfortunately a common occurrence on the Earth stage, coupled with any of the above levels is a major red flag.

Signs Of A Level Four Encounter:
  • You have experienced any of levels between 1-3
  • A person may suddenly change their behavior towards you (will become violent, UN-caring and abusive)
  • If the person is a friend they may show a very intense desire to know what your doing and why at all times only to tear down your faith in whatever you are doing and or involved in, especially it involves anything related to your spiritual body and or mission
  • If the person has ties to high levels of governments and takes a sudden interest in you

In conclusion it is important to remember that nothing is set in stone in a reality which is continually being created and re-created. If you have experienced any of this. Remember that everything has a purpose. If we did not experience our moments of darkness, our periodes of vulnerability and weakness, how then would we be able to sympathize enough to help the children of the sun (Humanity)? Our coming in  a human body is not just to have a disguise. It's so that we could walk in their shoes for a day and experience what it is like to be human in order to better help them. Do not fear what you have gone through. See it as an opportunity of change. See yourself as that change, be that change, see that power within you to have passed this most difficult hardship. If you can get through that you can get through anything, congratulations cadet on becoming ground crew. Salut!


  1. on the level 4 issue... is it possible that an elder sibling [the plant] would 'subsume' the light of the younger? rage attacks, denigration of the entire existence of said child? that would then presuppose the knowledge that the younger was coming, would also pressuppose that the parents would be too weak to protect the younger?

  2. Yes it is possible, But it is important to be very discerning, it may just be the sibling is simply bad but as I said it is possible but I would suggest to use proper judgment :)

  3. this is so enlightening! i thought i was "crazy"...since little i was affraid of sleeping and even now(lol) sometimes that i m grown up i check under the bed to see if there are n any "monsters" there..i tryied many times figure out What is that i am so affraid of?!..all i could come whith is-something in the Dark..something trying to harm me..and i had always the feeling of being watched ;kinda creepy.since my awakening begun all this "kinda" stopped..and i have the same question as "dtbaggins" :is it possible that a parent is "the plant?" i remember since i was 7 or something like that,that my mom s behaviour changed 180 degrees.she can t stand my presence or the path i ve chosen even course,let s not be paranoiac,there s could be a bouch of other issues like fammily ties,abbuse in the parents family,frustration,karma etc..i admit i saw she "follows" a certain pattern without being conciouss...tnx for the info anyway.It helps a lot
