E.T. Contact

As some of you know since I was little I have had direct telepathic contact with extraterrestrials. Lately though the contact has increased, to a point where I can ask them to show me that they can hear my thoughts and a light will appear in the sky or a star will suddenly move, for example north, north east. Last night I was sitting outside communicating with them, my roommate was out there too. I was talking with them telepathically and then asked them to show me a sign, not of their existence, I already know they are real! but that they were listening and could understand me. Just then, a star moved from it's position went up and then to the left and completely disappeared.

I told my roommate to look and he saw it too. It was a great moment for both of us. But certainly nothing new. In fact just two days prior I was sitting outside completely and utterly bored, my neighborhood is really not all that exciting, and I thought to play a game with the ETs, The game was called shooting star. I told them telepathically that I was going to ask a series of questions and that if any of the questions were true then to send me a shooting star, if they weren't true not to send me anything. So I began to ask a series of questions and nothing happened, one of the questions was will we have first contact soon, and by soon I meant within this year, no shooting star, I was sad but moved on. Then I asked another question and right away, I saw a beautiful shooting star shoot across the sky, it was lower than usual shooting stars, and appeared it seemed in mid-air/lower horizon, it was not colored like a normal shooting star, but was more white or rather off white, typical shooting stars have a starry appearance, this did NOT  look at all like a star, in fact it looked like an orb. If you have ever seen pictures of orbs, this is exactly what it looked like but solid and soft but it acted like a shooting star but slower. It was an answer to my question, I knew it was something the ETs had sent me as a confirmation.

Although, asking for and receiving signs by the extraterrestrials is becoming common place. More amazing is the fact that the "Make Contact" guide I was given by the extraterrestrials to help humankind in making contact themselves has truly been a success. I have received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from people all over the world who have used the guide to make contact themselves with Extraterrestrial intelligences. When I was given this guide, I really didn't know what to make of it, I had no idea if it was going to work or anything, it was a guide that was compiled by myself according to my experiences and my ability to contact ETs, and some help and advice from the sirian/pleiadian collective. I take joy in helping others achieve their own contact, in breaking down the illusion that they, the ETs, are evil, and that we are alone in the universe. We are NOT alone in this universe and we never have been. As of right now, the guide is available completely free to anyone who is a member of my site and to those who ask for it personally.
I have never had contact this amazing, to be able to not only contact ETs, ask them to show themselves but to also help others have contact as well. It's beyond me how any of this is even possible, but it is, my roommate has become a true believer, and I really sometimes don't believe any of this. It's amazing to me, how these beings can hear our thoughts from way up there in the heavens and then respond to them in our physical reality! just imagine when we ourselves get to that point. To the point where we ourselves become the stewards and guides of younger civilizations as the ETs are to us. I know we as a civilization are moving forward in that direction, perhaps slowly but I see a bright future ahead, a lot of things are changing and a lot of corrupt institutions are falling and humanity is certainly awakening.

There are many others like me out there, who have ongoing contact with benevolent extraterrestrials. This to me proves that there is a higher intelligence out there with our best interest in mind. They are in our skies at all times, we just have to believe and "look up". We are NOT alone and we are loved beyond words. We have an extended family out there that have been guiding us since before the time of Jesus. They are making themselves known again these days because our civilization is at a very crucial point in history.

This is literally the time when we decide what our future will hold and it is my belief that those who have been where we are now (The ET's) are helping to make this transition as smooth as possible. Granted I come from a family that has had contact themselves, my grandpa who lived in Puerto Rico used to tell my mom stories about a secret base that existed just in or over the mountains that belonged to extraterrestrials. He would experience missing time and large ships hovering over him just before the missing time experience. My mom would then tell me these stories and stories of her own contact and that she would see lights in the sky in that part of Puerto Rico which is called Arecibo. That was just the family that adopted me. I recently met my birth family and was told that speaking with Extraterrestrials is a common thing in that family and that my step father is a HUGE UFO researcher. And when I mean UFO Researcher I don't mean that he is a well known Ufologist I mean that he spends all his time researching UFO reality and proving to the public the reality of UFOs/ETs. He even bought a telescope to connect more with the ships in the skies.

So I belong to two families who are experienced with UFO contact and UFO reality. What are the odds of that? I have no explanation for that other then that I chose my family really carefully before being born lol. Now my daughter is also reporting having contact with "Beings Of Light", that thrilled me. I have never told her anything about beings of light just that ETs exist and what UFOs are. The last message from my daughter was that soon we too will become beings of light. She's 5.

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