Friday, May 13, 2011

Shadow People

Some say shadow people are simply ghosts that don't have enough energy to manifest, others say that shadow people are evil entities...yet others claim that shadow people are beings from another planet, but what I know shadow people to be are beings from another dimension within our own planet...they are not aliens from another galaxy or planet, they are not demonic beings or angels. Shadow people are from another dimension and time who are curious about us and our ways...they are sort of a spiritual spy and that is the reason they appear as a dark shadowy figure that we can not see directly, they are advanced beings that move to fast for us to catch with the naked eye, and we can not see their actual form because again they are to advanced for our minds to comprehend and so our eyes only see half of what they truly are because our eyes are not getting the actual information from our brains because our brains don't understand and they move to fast.

I have spoken to allot of people and the most common reason why people think they see shadow people is because they are being stalked by an evil presence which is very far from the truth, shadow people or extra dimensional beings are far from aggressive and/or evil, they simply want to understand life just the way we want to...they research the same as we do, they also observe us in order to find a way to best communicate with us, and share what they know and can do...they mean us no harm and only wish to participate in a world that is much like their own, they can not interact with us and/or influence our world, they can simply exist and evolve further just as we do....that is of course until we are both ready and willing to accept alternate reality's.

Why we don't see them directly? one reason is as explained above, they are to advanced and move to fast but also, think back to the many television shows that involved time traveling and the like...what has always been the most common no-no? if you said interacting with the past then your right!...well shadow people work in much the same way, they can not influence our world in any way period so they must act in a sneaky manner in order to learn without disruption, they also act in a secretive manner in order to alert us of their presence and of future dangers to our existence..why? because before they ever even think of making contact with us they need to make sure we are ready and I know that sounds a lot like aliens, they are not aliens they are beings who long ago evolved way beyond our understanding and time, these beings were once human and existed along side us but in a different alternate reality.

I am not asking you or anyone else who reads this to take what I am saying as the ultimate truth or the truth period what I am asking is that you find your own truth, sure this is my own truth but you are welcomed and more than encouraged to find your own truth, however I felt I had to share with the world what I learned through research and personal experience. Shadow people are far beyond even my own understanding but I was lucky enough to witness enlightenment and practically become one with such I am not saying I am one of them or even that I have spoken to one them I am only saying that I was "touched" by something or someone and I was given a temporary knowledge of sorts, so here I am sharing it with you respectfully...I respect others views and beliefs and I understand that more than one faith follows and/or studies the occult there for I am careful in my articles.

What is the goal? the goal of the shadow people is to perhaps one day be our friends or allies. While we are not as advanced as they are we are still very lovely and beautiful beings to them as they are to some of us...I have never encountered a violent shadow being and neither has anyone else I have spoken with, most people simply believe them to be violent or malevolent due to the constant effort of our minds trying to understand what has not yet been cosmically imprinted in our psychological profile, so the next time you encounter these beings consider yourself lucky and take a breath, relax, and clear your mind you may receive useful information.

There are different kinds of shadow beings, from both personal and eyewitness accounts I have come to see that shadow beings come in many different varieties. From small shapeless black masses to full humanoid figures, to shadowy animal like apparitions, the most common encounter being the humanoid fleeting off in the distance but much like us extra spiritual beings come in many shapes and forms, and this is for two reasons:

  1. They try to present themselves in a way that is acceptable in our minds much like aliens or ghosts do.
  2. In their realm there are different beings as well animals, people like us, and so on.

My last encounter with an extra spiritual being I was lucky enough to see a flying measured about the same as a large bald eagle, and this was the first and last time I had the pleasure of seeing an extra spiritual being directly instead of through the corner of my eye..It is easy to protest that these beings are malevolent and that is understandable and if that is what you wish to believe you are free and welcomed to believe it, no one has the ultimate answers in this universe all we can do is go by personal experience and knowledge...I hope that you have learned something from this article and can take some of this knowledge that I am sharing with the world and help someone else in need.

Remember...Follow your own heart and there shall you find truth.
Yshatar Xzatara
copyright 2007

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yshatar, I am truly relieved that I have found someone who thinks like I do and shares my understandings of many things. For the longest time, I've been visiting many websites that I too have "educated/informed" other people of our shared "beliefs" and explanations of "shadow beings", etc. I do not force anyone to believe me but I do so only to share my thoughts and understandings about them as you do. From a very young age, I have experienced many unexplainable things that nobody else around me can comprehend. I have had no choice but to research on my own in order to understand things that have happened to me and things I have encountered that no one else I know have. At one point, the more I learned, the more I "didn't like living" in this world. But I've come to a point of acceptance and have decided to make the best out of it (come what may) and be here for my family when "the transformation" happens as I feel I too have been brought into this world for a very special reason. I feel very blessed right now to be one of very few who shares this knowledge and belief of many of the unexplainable things that are happening and have happened in this world...and beyond. Now I know I'm not the only one. Thank you.
