Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sirians, Africa, Atlantis & Other Indigenous Cultures - The Connections

About 10-12,000 years ago or more a distant race came from a distant star system unto a newly developing planet Earth and colonized a beautiful land called Atlantis they were known as the Sirians who came from either Sirius A, B or C and settled upon Atlantis. There are many theories as to why the Sirians suddenly decided to come to earth and to Atlantis and one of these theories is that they were summoned by either a fleet of benevolent ETs already on Terra (Earth, Ki etc) or the humans themselves pleaded to the gods for help as their world was crumbling either way the Sirians arrived and with them they brought their traditions, beliefs and culture.

Unfortunately Atlantis itself could not be saved however the sirians helped the humans construct either a ship or a spaceship in order to flee to safer ground and upon doing this the way of the Sirians blended in to the ways of the early Terran civilization. It is believed that this event is what is known in biblical scripture as Noah's Ark. It is believed that the Sirians remained in the ship or just above orbit with the human race teaching and growing together as one while things on earth stabilized and upon returning to earth the human population had to migrate elsewhere as Atlantis was now underwater. In doing so the humans, sirians and hybrid children (born from the mating of the humans and sirians) fled to Ancient Egypt, Sumeria and South America and whole cultures and civilizations where modeled and created based on the teachings of their Sirian "Gods" such as the: Mayans, Egyptians, Sumerians etc.

From Wikipedia: The Sirius Mystery is a book by Robert K. G. Temple first published in 1976. It presents the hypothesis that the Dogon people of Mali, west Africa, preserve a tradition of contact with intelligent extraterrestrial beings from the Sirius star-system. These beings, who are hypothesized to have taught the arts of civilization to humans, are claimed in the book to have originated the systems of the Pharaohs of Egypt, the mythology of Greek civilization, the Epic of Gilgamesh, and so on. Temple's theory was heavily based on his interpretation of the work of ethnographers Griaule"">Marcel Griaule and Dieterlen"">Germaine Dieterlen. A substantial bulk of The Sirius Mystery consists of comparative linguistic and mythological scholarship, pointing out resemblances among Dogon, Egyptian and Sumerian beliefs and symbols. Greek and Arab myths and words are considered to a lesser extent. It seems as though the Sirian way became prominent on earth and among many tribes and civilizations many who dedicated many things to Sirius or was it the Sirians who created such things in order to remind the human population of the existence of they're distant cosmic cousins?
Egypt & Sirius: From: Halexandria - Ancient Egypt provides the most regal history for Sirius.  Initially, it was Hathor, the great mother goddess, who was identified with Sirius.  But Isis soon became the major archetype, sharing honors with the title of Sirius as the Nile Star.  An icon of Sirius as a five-pointed star (shades of the Golden Mean) has been found on the walls of the famous Temple of Isis/Hathor at Denderah.  [The latter is possibly well connected to the Starfire of Laurence Gardner’s research.  See, in particular, Gardner’s book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, HarperCollins, London, 2003; for some good stuff on Hathor and Denderah.]

The Mayans And Sirius: As a pure lunar calendar of 13 moons of 28 days, or 364 days, the Mayans added a holy Day Out of Time at either Solstice, the 21st of June or December. Arguelles amplified another date - July 25 - to prominence as the Dreamspell `Day out of Time', and tilted the whole Dreamspell calendar to start the New Year the next day. To be fair, July 25th is also when the star Sirius rises in conjunction with the Sun. Sirius, in the centre of the galaxy, is where the Mayans are supposed to have received their knowledge from. They call it `Hunab Ku' --- the `Womb of
the Great Mother'.

It is clear that Sirius and the Sirians played a central role in much of the ancient knowledge we study today and leaves one to wonder what else we could accomplish should they decide to return. If they ever do I hope that it will be in a time in which this world is ready and remembers the past.

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