Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do You Have Any Findings That Support Your Beliefs? (Question From Reader)

Asker lovemoniii asks:
I find your response very interesting. do you have any findings that support your beliefs or make you believe in them? i'm on my own journey to Truth and that is why i ask you all of these questions. I think that you have a very fascinating perspective.
beyond-contact beyond-contact said:
Absolutely, where I am now, I only follow the leads or signs of the universe. The universe speaks with us in so many ways but from birth we are guided to believe that we are separated from God or Goddess or the Universe or whatever name you personally have for this intelligence, this causes this separation to become a reality and so we forget our divine connections and origins. We continue living our lives as if up there is separate from down here, when in fact not only is it a complete mirror image but we are so connected to it that we speak to each other like new lovers.
Unfortunately though as I have said when we incarnate here in this physicality we forget this simple principle and so great teachers or what I call ambassadors of father/mother God(dess), they have already been where we are now and have been selected to come back and remind us. These teachings while lost to most of the population have been guarded for eons by those who have sworn to protect it and encode it for the awakened humans, and the awakened humans who have come with the ability to “wake up” to “remember” and have eyes to SEE and ears to HEAR, remember the signs and share their knowledge with other fellow humans who have forgotten it and so the light lives on despite attempts to conceal it. Through this collective effort they illuminate others by reminding them that they are still connected to that grand intelligence that lives within all things above and below.

Once this occurs, signs will appear. There are those who because of their limited beliefs and or perceptions, they limit themselves and for the time being wont themselves awaken to this reality, but eventually they will in their own time. The universe communicates with us in so many ways, that it can’t be ignored forever. Eventually one realizes the truth was there all along, eventually we realize there was an angel (messenger) in our life who was trying to share the ancient knowledge, eventually one SEES. THEN it all comes together, and it hits you like a thousand bricks, for example, When I was small I had an obsession with France, it was one of the few places that I loved with all my heart and soul, I was adopted, but I knew I LOVED France, everywhere I would go I would see something French, either a French flag or food or drink or people, it was always around me, then I found my birth family on 1-1-11 and it so happens I am part French Canadian. Then my obsession with Egypt, it was so bad that my adoptive mom said when Egypt was even remotely shown on TV when I was little I would reach my arms out to the TV and cry.

Then after doing research found out I am descendent of Pharaohs. But that’s just physical stuff, but the universe even had a message for my mission in life, I like numerology and I am liking it more and more these days, and recently I found out that 9 is BOTH my life path number and my birth name number. Both my full birth name AND birthday add up to the humanitarian and utopian number 9. This in my opinion is very relevant to what a starseed or hybrid is here to do. On top of that, the other day I fell and ripped off all the skin from my knee, It got badly infected, it was so bad it was hot to the touch, and oozing, I even started to have chills, it was the strangest thing I had ever had happened to me. It was 4 am and I was tired, and home alone with my daughter, No way I want to wake up a child and rush them to the ER at 4 AM and on top of that miss school.

So I did what I know best and asked the best Doctor that will ever exist, father/mother God(dess), I prayed and not even 10 minutes later it was 90% healed, by morning it was fully healed, and I mean fully, scabbed and all while previously it was wet, pink, raw and severely infected. That moment to me was the cherry on top, my path is heading in the right way, now don’t get me wrong, I am not preaching, because when one is sure in their own path they don’t need to. Just sharing some bit of what makes me so sure :). And even still I haven’t covered it all, at all, just know that like the journey, the signs are different for everybody, the way in which the universal intelligence communicates with us is different, but this God or father/mother God(dess) is always open for communication, always there to listen to ones own needs, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you are my favorite quotes, go within and will find your path, ask for the truth and it will be shown to you, it’s as easy as remembering that there are no borders or boundaries between you and divinity. ♥

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