Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In Regards To My Energy Problems Post

Asker karmicloveflow asks:
That last post is amazing!!! Do you think it has anything to do with Mercury retrograde? -Karma
beyond-contact beyond-contact said:

Hi Karma :)

It MIGHT have! possibly why it has increased, I wouldn't doubt it, although, I HAVE been using a lot of my energy this month, doing healing and cleansing for people and I am wondering that since I have been using so much of my energy for my healing and psychic abilities that I need to draw in more energy from things such as light switches and electrical devices. Like a ghost lol. I don’t like taking it from people so my body makes up for it by taking it from inanimate objects, I DO however hope it’s just Mercury! that way, I know it will all be over soon and it can get back to every once in a while lol.

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