Friday, May 13, 2011

My Own Spiritual Cocktail (the energy of all in the spirit of one)

I have decided to make own little spiritual path, it can't be given or bought or taught, for it has been earned through life experience. To me it's a new way of understanding Mani'Ka (the energy of all in the spirit of one), this is not your typical religion or faith because it is believed that there is no definitive system of belief and that is the key to achieve Godhood or rather heaven/enlightenment and it is the desire of my heart to help all peoples of earth understand themselves by me understanding myself, life and existence but most importantly of all understand the path of the spirit (Mani'Ka) which is the the most important path of all.

It is my goal to strengthen myself through diversity, understanding and acceptance of the individuality that each spirit possesses as it is believed that the spirit chooses it's path before maturing in to the next life, the spirit according to what is needed to mature in the next stage chooses what is needed to advance throughout the next life and it is my goal to help humanity understand the hardships they endure and the reason behind it all. By being a better student first and a teacher later. My personal path is not part of any religious belief system because I am part of a new religion and this is the religion of Mani'Ka (the religion of the energy of the all in the spirit of one) I seek to enlighten beings of all backgrounds and walks of life because we are all one Mani'Ka (spirit/energy) and through teaching others we ourselves, learn and become enlightened.

Through my path I have learned how to recognize when the spirit is speaking with me, how to recognize the Tola bhuj sattva (the weight of being) and many things related to me spiritual evolution. Every soul has a purpose in life, each and every soul incarnated has a very important purpose in this life and others. And every purpose and path is unique to that soul. Everyone be they souls of darkness or souls of light are children of the energy that exists beyond the constructs of human understanding and within my personal path are part of me and I a part of them, I could not be taught the truth of spirit, the truth of God and the truth of past and present enlightenment, with out the lessons others helped me to learn. ALL are sisters and brothers (every Sentient being). And everyone can and is able to learn what lies beyond the physical world and what great potential awaits the world when they are ready to experience  a whole new world, many wonders will be maid available to humanity not by me but by their own spirits guidance.

My path is not what one might think of when the idea of a spiritual path comes up or a religion but I am not religious and my path is NOT a religion and I do NOT force any views on any one because all spirits were created for different purposes and this is the reason for the path of Mani'Ka the path of spirit. It is to help my individual soul recognize it's own purpose, power and potential and this way I can have personal utopia and this will reverberate out in waves of love throughout humanity. What is spirit? do we have a spirit? can we really be at peace with ourselves? yes of course! The human soul does not need much to survive but the body needs many things, the body is limited but the soul is unlimited, the body needs the energy of the soul but the soul does not need the density of the body and in this way one can understand how we as celestial energy are experiencing a physical reality in order to understand our reality as cosmic vibration.

We are all one soul, one vibration and one energy and we all come from the source, the creator of all things, creation itself the source of Godhood or creative expression however we each have personal spirit goals, each of our spirits are here to enact a personal mission in order to further not only our spiritual evolution but the spiritual evolution of even the smallest of creatures on earth and many other planets. We are here to act as way showers of the source in order for the source to experience love in all it's forms..