Thursday, January 12, 2012

Will The GFOL Make Contact Soon? (Question From Reader)

Asker anonymous asks:
Do you think the Galactic Federation will make contact within a few days?
beyond-contact beyond-contact said:
Hm, personally I do not, not discounting the possibility at all because anything is possible and the future is not written in stone, but I can’t say if they are, they have told me that they wouldn’t announce their arrival as that would be dangerous, So they’re showing up, formally, would undoubtedly be like a thief in the night, though they have come on several occasions hence the Phoenix Lights and several of their ships are often in our atmosphere which accounts for the thousands of sightings reported each year not just be general society but also by pilots, law enforcement and others. So in essence they have always been here just haven’t made any formal official contact yet, the time will come I’m sure :)

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