Monday, December 12, 2011

Indigo Advice (Question From Reader)

Evening Yshatar, I write to you to get some advice. I have been here for 15 years. I am an Indigo Child who has struggled endlessly this whole life to get control. But recently, for the past month I have been feeling like I have been out of my body the whole day. Not floating above myself but more behind myself. Or as if I am half asleep and not fully awake. It has becoming really hard for me to function in school. Do you have any advice for me? please, thank you.
beyond-contact beyond-contact said:


Do you meditate? I don’t personally, at least not often but, I find in times where I can’t focus and or am struggling with my awakening, I find meditation to be quite helpful, even if I do it just for 5 minutes that day, bringing in light energy from the sun or energy from wherever you like. It’s difficult to focus in an environment that is so constricting spiritually. Here is an excerpt of a book I own and recommend when reaching out to other star born, the book seems to always have the perfect answers. I don’t usually put quotes up but this one might help because it helped me immensely.

The book is called From Elsewhere: Being E.T. In America by Scott Mandelker, PH.D.Eventually, worlds collide. Say you've come up with the most stirring, eloquent metaphysical theory-does that spare you from paying the rent? Does it save you from facing the possibility of rejection? For those who pass through the most enlightening galactic revelations-do they still have to worry about getting to the market on time? Anyone claiming to be from Elsewhere will tell you: The awakening process is only the first stage in a transformation that will eventually mean a clash with the world as we know it. It is an inevitable meeting, and it’s destined to shake the individual life down to the very core. When your world is turned upside down, how do you keep your balance? how do you side with the stars and still make your way in the sand? How do you actually function in the common, concrete of realities of Earthlife? The answer is: by a belief that you’re part of two cultures at once, a dual-culture member as it’s sometimes termed in the more formal academic halls of professional anthropology. By accepting both of these cultures, a walk-in or wanderer is able to “swear allegiance” to one group and still take part in activities of another, all the time all the time seeing him or herself as somewhat on the margin of society. It’s not that they've divided their loyalties; the Wanderers and Walk-Ins I spoke with who claimed to be from elsewhere remained solidly on the side of Elsewhere and always identified with “the Beyond” But they were extremely aware that they had to find a middle way if they wanted to make the best of two or possibly three worlds. “It was strange to feel that I’d changed,” as one E.T. described it. “I started seeing a slow, subtle difference in all my relationships and I knew I had to deal with it.” Most told me that socially they were making the best of a difficult situation. Almost all of those I met had a tough time in mixed company and made close friends only with other like-minded people; this was true for them in almost ever relationship. Sometimes, however, it wasn't a conscious decision. In the words of Vikram, the screen writer and house painter who chased after a UFO on his bicycle as a boy: “I’d say 75 percent of the people I contact closely are Wanderers (Star Born), but I don’t seek them out. We just get together naturally. What I’m doing right now,” said a woman I’ll call Julie, “is working on me. I’m clearing. That’s so I can reach a high vibration and project the light out of me. I think, basically, there’s nothing to do here on Earth but be all that we are and to keep clearing to open our hearts. Instead of watching from the outside, feeling astonished that anyone would so completely follow such outlandish beliefs, remember that we’ll probably learn more if we view these changes from within. Then we can start to feel what it’s like to be an ordinary person seized by the force of a new identity and a powerful sense of purpose, responsibility, and obligation-even if that new enthusiasm seems odd to everyone else. As Julie came to realize, if you try to grasp enlightenment on the corporate fast track you’ll find yourself running far behind the truths you seek. Those truths, it seems, are always moving ahead at the speed of light.

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