Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Another asked me about Lords and Ladies, Kings, and Queens, Supreme Beings, Gods, and Goddesses, Myths and Legends, and the history thereof. I shall share that being a writer does require research. However, some experiences can be shared of one’s own life and I find that sharing personal experiences is much easier to write than doing all the research of others, which has already been written and discovered by others. Therefore, I choose many times simply to write from the heart of inspiration and that is through the divine intervention that one can receive through the power of time travel.

One can learn to time travel with out of body experiences and if one needs to train we have the metaphysical institutes around the world and some can learn through the power of positive motivation in prayer and meditation groups. Some learn from worship and sharing spirit in church affiliations. I tell everyone to use whatever works for them. I have also asked how I can possibly put up with all the adversity in the world and on the topics in supernatural and paranormal opposing views as one who claims to be of both Christian and Science belief systems. My answer is this. We are all of the ALL and the Great I AM. What labels or threads we claim of our own life force as enhancements or ornamental behavior patterns is no more a control factor than our own DNA Genome. It is simply a part of us whether inside our out. Things change, Thinking Changes! We change and we care about our humanoid kind as a species on this planet.

As a well-known public Alien Hybrid Paranormal ET Contactee, I have various beings share their innermost viewpoints and concerns. This is part of my mission and calling. It is also a part of me as a Psychic-Medium and Channel. I am also a Spiritual Advisor and Christian who lives among those in the Bible Belt. I walk alone in the world and will die alone. That is just the way my life is. We all have a life and my past lives are some of my memories now.

My past memories of Le Muria or LaMEuria or as it is spelled to day Lemuria. Life in Lemruai as was on this planet prior to Atlantis gives me a leg up so to speak in this world. I am considered a very old soul and to some I am considered in the spirit of Lachs Mae and Lillith. Loch Shmae was older than Lillith on this planet and the daughters of Esther who worwhip the Goddess and maternal energy as Queens and Oracles of other planets belong to a certain order of female essences in other universes. There are still sacred worlds and some are not ready to cycle their energy vibrations of essences they send to earth.

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