Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Universal Crop Circles: The Creators Message And Love For Us

Using sound as a foundation of crop circles is the most direct form of communication, because sound is capable of affecting the resonant fields within inter cellular processes down into the genetic levels, even down into the subatomic levels. Suggestive and rhythmic commands aimed at people while they listen to music is already an efficient method of absorbing information and knowledge. Coupled to ultrasonic frequencies, this technique can alter brainwave patterns, inducing the mind into a meditative and receptive state 

But as you will read below, it can also heal and teach!

How is it done?
We all know the universe is a living being and living beings want to communicate and the best way for a being of infinite conciousness to communicate with us would be resonance harmonics. When electromagnetic waves hit our planet from the universe it can create sound frequencies, resulting in the language being interpreted in to symbols. How this comes about is via light which is electromagnetic radiation.

EM radiation may also cause certain molecules to absorb energy and thus to heat up, causing thermal effects and sometimes burns.

Which would account for the burn marks at base of crop stem and bent around an inch above soil, plants laid in precise geometric swirl patterns with no sign of physical damage. altered cellular structure and soil chemistry, increased magnetic particle deposits, discrepancies in background radiation, alteration of the local electromagnetic field, depletion of the local watershed, long lasting energy patterns, high radiation levels.

Research and laboratory tests suggest that ultrasound may be one of the only two methods capable of producing this effect, but plant biologists are still baffled by this phenomenon.

The standard models for the description of light is both as a particle (photon) AND a wave (electromagnetic radiation/wave). The electromagnetic radiation/wave model has electric and magnetic field values at right angles to each other propagating at the speed of light in a vacuum. During a molecular, atomic or nuclear transition to a lower energy level,

(Perhaps the 3rd or 4th Dimension manifesting as orbs, light balls).? Barbury crop glyph and its counterpart as a harmonic frequency in liquid (Picture just below). Therefor harmonic frequency can create visible shapes.

Barbury crop glyph and its counterpart as a harmonic frequency in liquid

Below 20 Hz sound becomes infrasonic, and such frequencies are directly involved with biological processes. It is well known that long exposure to infrasound can cause unpleasant conditions such as fatigue and nausea, and such symptoms are reported by visitors to crop circles. When combined with high-pressure, the acoustic power created by infrasound is in the order of kilowatts. In the case of plants, this pressure boils the water held inside the stems in a nanosecond. As water heats it expands, and a close look at crop circle plants reveals tiny holes in their nodes where this superheated water has escaped. With a hollow cavity near the base, and the stems made subtle like molten glass by the heat, the now top-heavy plants collapse into their new horizontal position.

Researchers such as Gerald Hawkins, Buckminster Fuller and Hans Jenny have shown that sound vibrations will form specific geometric patterns, providing that what you are vibrating is visible instead of air, which is normally not visible.

Electromagnetic waves are different from sound waves because they do not need molecules to travel. This means that electromagnetic waves can travel through air and solid materials - but they can also travel through empty space. This is why astronauts on spacewalks use radios to communicate. Radio waves are one kind of electromagnetic wave. 

Gerald Hawkins did not actually arrive at his findings through studying vibration. In his case, he was led to make his discoveries after spending years investigating the "crop circle" phenomenon, where complex geometric patterns would show up overnight in various grain crops around the world, usually visible only from the air. After studying hundreds of these formations, Hawkins realized that certain patterns were repeating themselves, and the underlying unity among these patterns was expressed by taking simple two-dimensional geometric shapes such as a triangle, square and hexagon and fitting them precisely inside of a circle, so that all tips of the shape perfectly touched the circle’s edge. To his amazement, the surface area of the inner geometries, when divided against the area of their outer circles, showed the exact same relationships responsible for the vibrations of music in the Octave- the "diatonic ratios" that we mentioned above. This is exactly what Pythagoras demonstrated with his one-stringed instrument, only now instead of a ratio of string lengths, we have a ratio of geometry that indicates the same thing. So in two dimensions, we can understand sound as being a "flat" geometric vibration, such as a triangle, that emerges within a "flat" circle. 

80 witnesses to crop circles reported hearing a "trilling sound"

Many accounts exist of a trilling sound heard by the eighty reported witnesses to crop circles forming. This unusual noise, which sounds like a cross between a cicada and a waterfall, was eventually captured on magnetic tape in 1989 during a night watch of a field at Cheesefoot Head, England, by a group of researchers. It was duly sent to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, where it was brought to the attention of Robert Weiss, the man who had previously analyzed the famous Watergate Tapes. He concluded that the noise was not related to any type of bird or insect, and due to its looping, rhythmic nature appeared to be of intelligent, mechanical origin. Further, it contained a frequency of 5.0-5.2 kHz.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God" In a similar way, Hopi and Navajo religious traditions assert that, in ancient times, shamans could utter words onto sand and create patterns, a concept not dissimilar to the Hindu mandalas ­ those geometric paintings held to be expressions of vibrations from the unseen Universe.

The purpose of crop circles?
My theory comes from the study recently done by scholars at McGill University. The researchers followed the brain patterns of test subjects with MRI imaging, and identified dopamine streaming into the striatum region of their forebrains "at peak emotional arousal during music listening." Furthermore the scientists noticed that various parts of the striatum responded to the dopamine rush differently. The caudate was more involved during the expectation of some really nice musical excerpt, and the nucleus accumbens took the lead during "the experience of peak emotional responses to music."

Dopamine has many functions in the brain, including important roles in behavior and cognition, voluntary movement, motivation, punishment and reward, inhibition of prolactin production (involved in lactation and sexual gratification), sleep, mood, attention, working memory, and learning. Dopaminergic neurons (i.e., neurons whose primary neurotransmitter is dopamine) are present chiefly in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the midbrain, the substantia nigra pars compacta, and the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. Dopamine is biosynthesized in the body (mainly by nervous tissue and the medulla of the adrenal glands)

In mammals, the adrenal glands (also known as suprarenal glands) are endocrine glands that sit on top of the kidneys; in humans, the right suprarenal gland is triangular shaped while the left suprarenal gland is semilunar shaped. They are chiefly responsible for releasing hormones in conjunction with stress through the synthesis of corticosteroids such as cortisol and catecholamines, such as epinephrine. Adrenal glands affect kidney function through the secretion of aldosterone, a hormone involved in regulating plasma osmolarity. 

Endocrine glands are glands of the endocrine system that secrete their products, hormones, directly into the blood rather than through a duct. The main endocrine glands include the pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands. The hypothalamus is a neuroendocrine organ. Other organs which are not so well known for their endocrine activity include the stomach, which produces such hormones as ghrelin.

One of the chants associated with the First Initiation Rite affects the crown chakra greatly and the third eye chakra, or energy center, to a lesser degree. The crown chakra, of course, is located at the top of the head and is linked on a physical level to the pituitary gland. When intoned properly, this special chant or sound will send a vibration deep within the head where both the pineal and pituitary glands are situated. This causes these glands to vibrate, which in turn stimulates them and the surrounding areas of the brain. As this happens, the crown chakra will become ‘activated’ and open up. The third eye chakra will also be activated slightly at the same time. This allows higher vibrations of energy to enter into the crown chakra, the third eye chakra, the body and the human energy field or aura. This energy is connected to the Godsource, or heavenly fields above, and exists all around you. It is in the air that you breathe and the water that you drink. This energy is also referred to as chi, universal energy, prana, and spirit energy. Although this high vibration of energy was explored and discussed in the ancient mystery schools by the Egyptians, it was known simply as spirit.

Thankfully Source/Creator/God/Universe is already helping us in this respect via aerial, and ground phenomena (Crop circles, spirals) and apparently, our creator has been helping us since the dawn of time:


OK so not only is the universal creator teaching us but healing and increasing our psychic energy field as well! The adrenal glads are in the area of the solar plexus chakra!:
Chakra Three - Associations

  • Color - yellow
  • Sanskrit Name - manipura
  • Physical Location - solar plexus
  • Purposes - mental understanding of emotional life
  • Spiritual Lesson - acceptance of your place in the life stream. (self-love)
  • Physical Dysfunctions- stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, diabetes, pancreatitis, indigestion, anorexia/bulimia, hepatitis, cirrhosis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, colon diseases
  • Mental and Emotional Issues - self esteem, fear of rejection, oversensitivity to criticism, self-image fears, fears of our secrets being found out, indecisiveness
  • Information Stored Inside Sacral Chakra - personal power, personality, consciousness of self within the universe (sense of belonging), knowing
  • Area of Body Governed - upper abdomen, umbilicus to rib cage, liver, gallbladder, middle spine, spleen, kidney, adrenals, small intestines, stomach

It has been hypothesized that dopamine transmits reward prediction error, although this has been questioned.[6] According to this hypothesis, the phasic responses of dopamine neurons are observed when an unexpected reward is presented. These responses transfer to the onset of a conditioned stimulus after repeated pairings with the reward. Further, dopamine neurons are depressed when the expected reward is omitted. Thus, dopamine neurons seem to encode the prediction error of rewarding outcomes. In nature, we learn to repeat behaviors that lead to maximizing rewards. Dopamine is therefore believed to provide a teaching signal to parts of the brain responsible for acquiring new behavior. Temporal difference learning provides a computational model describing how the prediction error of dopamine neurons is used as a teaching signal.

The caudate nucleus is a nucleus located within the basal ganglia of the brains of many animal species. The caudate nucleus is an important part of the brain's learning and memory system. All this affects the pituitary gland, which affects the crown and 3rd eye as you have read,  but as you have read, it goes way beyond the brain, and affects the kidney's (in other words the solar plexus chakra allowing us to increase our psychic and spiritual bodies.

In conclusion we can acknowledge that our creator/God/Universe acknowledges us! has NOT forgotten us, and assists in our evolution, and cares for and loves us! and is NOT in any way shape or form trying to leave some out of us out of the loop of higher learning, universal understanding and spiritual/physical growth, we are actually being guided buy our creator God! and God only knows in how many other ways!

1 comment:

  1. Haba huba dabah doo doo booboo my mind is mush now. So it really is "The Force" that is with us. Just like in the Star Wars movies.
