Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reincarnation Explained

Many times in my life I have wondered about reincarnation. I pondered finding the answers to questions like, could we have been prominent figures in our past lives? could we have lived a past life as the opposite sex? are past lives limited to earthien existence? I have seen my past lives but never fully understood them. For many years I pondered my connection with the name Ishtar, my dreams with lions protecting me and the significance of owls in my dreams. All my life I thought all of that very odd until just a year or two ago. Then I came across something interesting that spoke of all the past lives of Jesus Christ and suddenly everything was put in to perspective for me:

"Who do people say I am?" This was the question that Jesus asked his disciples. Their reply was that people were saying he was one of the Old Testament prophets "raised from the dead." Considering that the Last Judgment and the Resurrection of the Dead had not occurred, this begs the question, "What did they mean by "raised from the dead?" They were not talking about resurrection because the orthodox Christian doctrine of resurrection originated with the ancient Persian religion of Zoroastrianism and this doctrine holds that corpses do not crawl out of their graves until the Last Judgment and the End of Days. And considering the fact that reincarnation was an orthodox teaching in Jesus' day (see Flavius Josephus) then the answer becomes crystal clear. They were talking about reincarnation. Even the Bible is filled with teachings of reincarnation including those taught by Jesus.
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