Thursday, February 18, 2016

Awakening: Meeting My Alien Self

It's currently March 3rd 2014 and advances in science and research are continually proving "now" that we may not be alone in our universe. We are in a time in which finally...FINALLY!, people like me can share their stories of alien encounters and paranormal abilities out in the open without worrying about what others might think. It's truly a wonderful time to be part of this world. Like thousands of other children born in the 80s I was part of a special project (I will elaborate on that later) which connected us all to the "grid," I and other children were born with the incredible ability to see, hear, feel and communicate with other energies...energies that weren't exactly human, at least not at the time. We are able to communicate also with animals and sometimes people telepathically, able to know things we aren't supposed to know and chock full of compassion to the point of walking in rags while we give our last cent to someone else. We are designed...programmed it seems to put others before ourselves. It's like a new type of humanity is being seeded on the with enough compassion to transform this world and the abilities to know how.

We aren't any different or better than normal humans, in fact, EVERY single human is born the exact same way however not every human on Earth is wired to be consciously aware of this knowledge. They really are living the human experience! so much so that they are completely oblivious (for the most part) of the horrible things happening in our world not because they are ignorant or stupid but because that is their particular journey at this time but many are waking up and tuning in because the alarm clock has sounded for ALL people on Earth, and now everyone is hearing the call. It all started when I became old enough to start questioning my life, everything around me and things I was experiencing, I noticed at a young age I wasn't like normal kids, it was almost like I was an adult trapped in a little kids body. I observed everyone around me with curiosity wondering why they were OK with the lives they lived but I certainly had no way to express this. I felt frustrated especially since I couldn't express to my parents what I was seeing everywhere all around me, seeing things that seemed out of place, "people" that didn't belong, realities that seemed to fade in and out of the current reality, it was really something for a kid to feel crazy but there I was feeling it.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Could Life Have Evolved on Mars Before Earth?

I've always sort of thought that life evolved first on Mars, that perhaps man in his ever growing lust for power and control destroyed their planet (Mars) through ongoing wars, especially nuclear wars till it was no longer inhabitable and so we came to the next best thing, Earth (is history being repeated?). Wouldn't that be an interesting turn of events? if suddenly the government declared we weren't created on Earth and aren't at all from this planet? that WE in fact are the extraterrestrials?

The discovery that ancient Mars could have supported microbes raises the tantalizing possibility that life may have evolved on the Red Planet before it took root on Earth. 

I think it totally transform humanities views on religion and on the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Because if we could evolve on another planet then come to this one, that means the bible is completely wrong, and that evolution is in fact possible on other planets, I hold the theory that life began with the kiss of a star...

Steven Spielberg Supports UFO Disclosure

Documentary director, James Fox, finally revealed the contents of a letter from Steven Spielberg to Larry King regarding his UFO documentary, I Know What I Saw, at this year’s UFO Congress. In 2009 Fox had appeared on Larry King Live to talk about UFOs and his documentary, which was about to appear on the History Channel. A few days after the show, King told Fox that he had sent a copy of the documentary to Steven Spielberg. King then received a letter from Spielberg in response, and sent Fox a copy. Excited about the endorsement from Spielberg, Fox contacted Spielberg’s publicist to confirm it was OK for Fox to share Spielberg’s remarks to help promote the upcoming airing of his documentary. Unfortunately, Spielberg’s publicist, Marvin Levy, denied the request.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Viking Robot Spots Life On Mars According To Scientists

New analysis of 36-year-old data, resuscitated from printouts, shows that NASA found life on Mars, an international team of mathematicians and scientists conclude in a paper published this week.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Creating Extraterrestrial Contact

Like so many who live in this world, that follow UFO sightings, wonder why all the secrecy, imagine technology existing somewhere that we only see in science fiction, I have often wondered, if extraterrestrials are really up there, and if they are really telepathic as we hear from accounts of actual contacts or abductions, then why they don’t hear and respond to the inner outcries of so many of us?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Am I An Alien Hybrid? (Question From Reader)

Asker anonymous asks:
Seeing as you have a lot of knowledge, I'll ask for you help. I dreamt that I was abducted by aliens when I was 10 years old and I started suddenly thinking about it today. When I found out it's Extraterrestrial Abductions Day I was overwhelmed. I genuinely think I have some connections with aliens. I was once given a stone that was supposed to help me to make contact with the supernatural, and when I sleep with the stone I ALWAYS get strange calls at night. Do you think I'm a alien-hybrid?
beyond-contact beyond-contact said:
Really only you can answer that question, no one cant tell you what you are or aren't  if you have had alien contact since childhood there could be a number of reasons behind it including being a starseed, indigo, lightworker etc. Which is the most common as spiritually everyone is a starseed because everyone’s soul originates from the stars. If you mean genetically, as I said that’s something you have to figure out on your own by looking in to your family history and genealogy. And believe it or not abductions were quite common especially before the year 2000. Abductions occur for a whole number of infinite reasons. As for strange calls, you might want to have the police or operator trace the call to rule out any miscreants. On the other hand if this happens only when you sleep with this stone, it is possible that this stone is elevating or activating your energy levels/abilities to the point where it interferes with electrical devices or similar things, this phenomena is often called: SLIder or Street Light Interference Phenomena even though it is not restricted to just street lights which is also common among starseeds. You might want to look in to researching topics about starseeds. At the end of the day, we all have some connection with ETs as they played a part in our creation…I can not tell you whether you are an alien-hybrid only you and your family lineage and history can answer that for you, but the fact that you are inquiring about aliens at all is a clear sign your more awakened then most, continue on your quest and always remain pure of heart and mind.

Asker anonymous asks:
Thank you for answering my question! I know that I'm the only one that can find the answer, I just wanted your opinion on what my experiences can mean or help me ony my way. Thank you for the nice answer, I searched around the net and it helped a lot :) The strange things about those calls is that they're not in my inbox in the morning. They always get deleted.
beyond-contact beyond-contact said:
Your welcome :-). glad to have helped! All I can suggest the next time is try to talk when you get the phone call. Even if it happens fast…I have never had that happen to me but once so I can’t help you further with the phone issue.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sacred Sound Alchemy for DNA Repair and Healing

Sacred Sound Alchemy for DNA Repair and Healing